Product Information

Traditional Photo Prints:

Fine Art Prints:

Matted Prints:

Enjoy professional quality prints presented in individual mats. Beautiful but affordable, great for gifting, and suitable for framing later.

Our Lustre prints are traditional photographs, digitally printed. Lustre prints are neither glossy nor matte — a finish refined over many decades specifically for professional photographers and artists, to show their work at its best. Lustre prints offer bold rich blacks, clean whites, beautiful colours and unmatched longevity.

Fine Art Paper — A high quality, slightly lighter stock (200 gsm). Fine Art Paper offers a professional, conservation-quality, natural white, inkjet-printed art print with a slightly textured matte finish.


Our frames are handmade to order in New Zealand from high quality recyclable materials. The frame moulding profile is 20mm wide x 30mm deep and available in a range of contemporary colours.

Our Lustre prints are traditional photographs, digitally printed. Lustre prints are neither glossy nor matte — a finish refined over many decades specifically for professional photographers and artists, to show their work at its best. Lustre prints offer bold rich blacks, clean whites, beautiful colours and unmatched longevity.

Economy Matte (180 GSM) – A lightweight matte paper that offers a beautiful "fine art" look.

Fine Art Paper — A high quality, slightly lighter stock (200 gsm). Fine Art Paper offers a professional, conservation-quality, natural white, inkjet-printed art print with a slightly textured matte finish.


Not every canvas print is made equal, and we're proud of the exceptional quality of our Canvas prints, which are handmade to order in New Zealand. Each canvas is hand-stretched and wrapped over 1-1/2" (38mm) wood stretcher bars. Each canvas comes ready to hang.

Economy — affordable polyester canvas and long-life latex inkjet printing for a gloss finish.

Standard — cotton-polyester canvas and long-life latex inkjet printing; museum grade lacquer offers a muted lustre finish and protects against moisture, abrasion and UV damage.

Fine Art — cotton-polyester canvas and Fine Art inkjet printing; museum grade lacquer offers a muted lustre finish and protects against moisture, abrasion and UV damage.